In recent years, with the development of computer direct plate making (CTP) technology and digital printing technology, the use range of laser imagesetter has been greatly impacted, so with the widespread application of CTP technology and digital printing machines, the laser imagesetter What is the life expectancy? Can you continue to develop? This article will introduce you to the price of the laser imagesetter. The imagesetter has given the printer the ability to reach digital production, indicating a conversion process, which in turn has contributed to the development of CTP. The imagesetter as a CTP intermediate program allows the print operator to feel intimate and secure enough. Many people say that there is no market for the photo machine, but this is not the case. After the film-free direct plate-making imaging process has attracted extensive attention, due to the use of phototypesetting machines, and the developer's investment in research and development and the continuous development of new imagesetters, it is known that the imagesetter still has commercial printing scope. The power that drives the action. The peripherals of the phototypesetting machine, including the plate feeding and discharging equipment. In the future, the production level of the platesetters will be improved, and these peripheral devices are required to have a higher processing speed. However, as the processing speed increases, the feeding and discharging of the plates becomes more important. After years of production and operation, the laser phototypesetting machine has recovered various investments and the company can operate at low profit. Therefore, the equipment of the laser imagesetter is relatively cheap, and the cost of film and plate is relatively low, and the cost is high. Small and medium-sized printing enterprises are more suitable for the investment of small and medium-sized investors in order to reduce the cost and apply them widely. Article source address: http:// Guangzhou serika Technology Co., Ltd. ,
What is the price of laser imagesetter?