Second, the use of elements (a) The image of the point, line, and surface is the external feature of the object and is visible. The image includes all parts of the visual element. All the concept elements such as dots, lines, and faces also have their own images when they are seen on the screen. The basic form in graphic design: In graphic design, a group of identical or similar figures is composed, each of its constituent units becomes a basic form, and the basic form is a minimum unit. It can be used to arrange and combine according to a certain structural principle. Good makeup effect. 1. Formation: In the composition, due to the basic combination, a combination of shape and shape arises. These relationships are: 2. Separation: There is a certain distance between the shape and the shape without contact. 3. Contact: The edge between the shape and the shape is exactly tangent. 4. Overlapping: The relationship between shape and shape is a complex relationship, which results in a spatial relationship between up, down, left and right. 5 Overlapping: The transparency between shapes and shapes overlaps, but it does not create a spatial relationship between up and down. 6. Combination: The combination of shape and shape becomes a new, larger shape. 7. Subtraction: mutual coverage between form and shape, where the coverage is cut off. 8. Poor stacking: Forms and shapes overlap each other, creating new shapes in overlapping places. 9. Coincidence: The overlap between shape and shape becomes one. (B) Gradient Gradient is an effect that I often hear about. It can be experienced in nature, and we feel the gradual change of trees from near to far and from big to small on the road. Gradient type: 1. Gradient of the shape: A basic shape gradient to another basic shape, the basic shape can be from complete gradient to incomplete, or from simple to complex, from abstract gradient to representation. 2. Gradient of direction: The basic shape can make a directional gradient on the plane. 3. Gradient of position: The basic shape is used when the position is gradated. Since the basic shape changes position, the part beyond the skeleton will be cut off. 4. Gradient of size: Gradient arrangement of basic shapes from large to small will produce depth and space. 5. Gradient of color: In the color, hue, lightness, purity can produce a gradual effect, and will produce a layered sense of beauty. 6. Bone Gradient: refers to the regular changes of the skeleton, making the basic shape change in shape, size, and direction. The line that divides the skeleton can make gradients such as horizontal, vertical, oblique, polyline, and curve. Gradual bones are carefully arranged to produce special visual effects, sometimes with illusion and movement. (3) The general concept of repeated repetition refers to the fact that the same image appears twice or more in the same design. Repetition is the more commonly used method in design to enhance the impression given to people, resulting in a regular sense of rhythm and making the screen uniform. . In the same way, in the repeated configuration, it mainly means the same in shape, color, size, and the like. The basic shape in repetition: the shape used for repetition is called the basic shape, each basic shape is a unit, and then it is designed in a repeated manner. The basic shape should not be complicated, and it should be simple. Duplicate type: 1. Repetition of the basic form: The use of the same basic form in the design of the design is called the repetition of the basic form. Such repetition is seen everywhere in daily life. For example: one window in a tall building. 2. Bone lattice repetition: If the shape and area of ​​each unit of the skeleton are exactly equal, this is a repeating skeleton, and the repeating skeleton is a kind of regular skeleton, the simplest one. 3. Shape repetition: Shape is the most commonly used repeating element, and the shape repeated in the entire composition may vary in size, color, and the like. 4. Size repetition: Similar or identical shapes, repeated in size. 5. Color repetition: In the same color conditions, the shape and size can be changed. 6. Repetition of texture: In the same condition of the texture, the size and color can be changed. 7. The repetition of the direction: the shape has a clear and consistent directionality in the composition.
The elements of graphic design commonly used techniques (a)