Creo releases its latest flexo prepress solution

Creo recently released the latest advances in the Prinergy Powerpack Powerful Packing workflow and the Thermoflex family of thermophilic platesetters. All of these improvements are dedicated to helping flexographic packaging product manufacturers achieve greater success.
Flexographic Image Enhancement New Technology Prinergy Powerful Packing Workflow The newly released specialized flexographic technology is the DigiCap field masking function, which is mainly used to improve the print quality in the field. "Printing plate mask" is a traditional technology, its main role is to add some lines on the surface of the plate to improve the ink hiding power. However, this method, although effective, is inefficient, costly, and out of practice as a conventional solution. DigiCap can digitally simulate the traditional media mask effect by forming a pattern of recessed dots on the surface of the plate. This reduces the visible artifacts and in some cases can reduce dot gain while also increasing the ink thickness in the field.
DigiCap is a simple and efficient solution for improving prepress work efficiency. It can be applied to any type of document without extra time or effort. Whether in the field, midtones, or the quality of lines and continuous adjustments can be improved, even archived 1-bit TIFF files can also be handled with DigiCap.
How DigiCap Works The photographic plate's surface is as smooth as a glass tabletop. When the ink is transferred to the surface of the printing plate, it cannot maintain a uniform thickness and will flow to the part without the image. Therefore, in order for the ink to fully cover the printing material, the printer must increase the pressure between the plate and the printing material to compensate for the ink unevenness on the printing plate. This process is easily and easily lead to the following problems in the finished image: uneven density in the field, excessive dot gain and ghosting.
DigiCap can form tiny recessed dots on the surface of the plate to minimize finished defects and, in some cases, reduce dot gain while also increasing the ink thickness in the field. By giving a slight exposure to the field part, the area of ​​the white part of the printed product is reduced, which can increase the density of the ink and improve the quality of the print. This advantage is evident at the junction of the field and the blank, because the slight increase in field exposures partially eliminates the darker outlines that are evident around the blank areas.
Other Flexographic Technologies Raster Scaling Raster Scaling is another Creo solution for flexo printing. Its role is to provide scaling (warping) for screened files. Experienced prepress and print operators know that flexibility in flexography can cause problems. During the platemaking process, the flexographic material may be stretched or distorted, which can lead to small changes in plate size and ultimately affect registration. These changes can cause color shifts and other visible artifacts. Raster adjustment can digitally adjust the plate image. By fine-tuning the x, y-axis scaling and the position of the image, raster scaling ensures that the plate is accurately registered when it is mounted on the press.
The Creo Maxtone Hybrid Screening Technology is mainly used to enhance flexographic reproduction of highlights and details. Maxtone is a hybrid screening technology - AM screening using FM screening technology. Maxtone allows the operator to set a minimum dot size to prevent the formation of dots that are too small and not conducive to flexo media. In order to expand the range of adjustment, Maxtone uses a similar FM network screening technology. In order to create brighter dark areas, the dots are randomly removed. Brighter colors are produced with fewer dots (rather than smaller ones). As a result, details of the highlights are improved and the printing plate has a higher resistance to printing. Darker areas of stencils can also be effectively controlled by selectively removing outlets.
This year's GATF InterTech Award for HyperFlex technology is a technology that enhances plate resolution. It improves the quality of Maxtone screening, expanding the flexibility of imaging by producing smaller dots and reinforcing small dots throughout the production process. potential. The ability to produce smaller outlets means that the effective resolution of the flexo is improved, the highlights are more perfectly reproduced, and there are fewer obvious transitions in the edge areas of the dots.
All of these screening and image enhancement solutions are options in Prinergy Power Packer's packaging workflow. At this year's Graph Expo in Chicago, USA, attendees saw proofs produced by these advanced solutions.
More media choices More plates are now available for selection on the Thermal Shenshen flexo line. The Thermal Plate Printing Machine can output digital media for rotary engraver printing on paper/film/aluminum foil and plastics as well as laminates. If you use the Heater Narrow Plate Direct Machine, you can also choose a drum device to image the metal plate-based plate for waterless offset printing, suitable for printing three cans/plastic containers and irregular packaging.
Packaging and Networking Printing Production All of Creo's packaging solutions are integrated into networked print production. Networked printing production is an initiative of the printing industry. Through the establishment of intelligent connections between workflow solutions and imaging devices, data is exchanged between production and management information systems, which greatly enhances the streamlining of printing production and shortens the production cycle. , to minimize errors in print. For packaging processing plants and platemaking centers, networked printing production means better printing results, lower costs and time savings.

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