Recently, researchers in China have constructed a complex I biosensor using quantum dots, which can diagnose Parkinson's disease early and monitor its progress. Parkinson's disease is a common neurodegenerative disease that is more common in the elderly. Its clinical manifestations mainly include resting tremor, bradykinesia, muscle stiffness and posture and gait disorders, and patients may be accompanied by non-motor symptoms such as depression, constipation and sleep disorders. It is one of the problems that the medical community has been working hard to overcome. At present, the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease mainly depends on clinical observation, and cannot be accurately diagnosed by laboratory standard tests or biosensors. Therefore, it is difficult to diagnose in the early stage of Parkinson's disease, and it has become the biggest limitation of disease diagnosis. This also makes it very urgent to develop biosensors that can diagnose Parkinson's disease. The researchers used quantum dots that can absorb special effects such as broad spectrum, narrow emission spectrum, and photobleaching resistance to connect pan-terminated disulfide bonds with different alkyl intervals to construct a complex I biosensor. As has been confirmed, the main reason for sporadic Parkinson's disease may be due to the inhibition of complex I in mitochondria. Abnormalities in complex I cause dopaminergic neurons to be suppressed, thus causing the main clinical symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Therefore, early diagnosis of Parkinson's disease can start from the lack of complex I activity. The complex I biosensor can monitor the level of different complex I in the cell, and then judge the early symptoms of Parkinson's disease or the hidden dangers that may cause Parkinson's disease. Curtain Rod Solid Wood Finial,Wood Drapery Rods,Wooden Curtain Pole,Wooden Curtain Rods HANGZHOU AG MACHINERY CO.,LTD ,
Development of biosensors for early diagnosis of Parkinson's disease in China