Printing method Ultraviolet (UV) is abbreviated as UV. UV curable ink is a process in which radicals are generated by ultraviolet light excitation, and then radicals are used to initiate various active components in the formulation to rapidly transform into solids. Compared with traditional printing inks, printing methods and drying methods, UV curing inks have the following advantages: (1) No volatile solvent emissions, no pollution to the environment; (2) Save energy; (3) High production efficiency; (4) Instant drying, small dot expansion, no need to spray powder during drying process; (5) Small footprint, which can reduce investment; (6) Use temperature-sensitive point-for-substrate printing. Since UV inks have features that are incomparable to any other traditional ink in terms of environment, technology, product quality, and printing methods, they have been rapidly developed since they were commercialized and industrialized in the 1970s. UV curing ink customers according to the different printing methods are divided into: gravure printing, lithographic printing, screen printing, flexographic printing, spraying, etc., can also be divided according to the substrate: paper, metal, plastic, glass, composite materials. The common characteristic of UV-curing inks is that they all contain host resins (oligomers, monomers, etc.), toners, photosensitizers (such as 369, 907, TPO, TPO-L, etc.), and auxiliaries, all of which must be UV-irradiated. To cure. UV inks have different viscosity, ink thickness, and curing speed according to different printing methods. See table (1): Table (1) Curing speed and other technical indicators of UV inks for various printing methods Normal > Printing method Normal > pigment content % Normal > Viscosity Pa · S/value="25" UnitName="°C">25 °C Normal align=center> Ink Thickness (microns) Normal align=center> Cure Speed ​​( m/s ) Normal > gravure printing Normal align=center> 6-9 Normal align=center> 0.15-0.30 1. All texts, pictures, audio and video presentations of “Source: China Packaging Network†are marked on this website, and the copyright is exclusively owned by “China Packaging Networkâ€. If you need to reprint, please indicate the source. Any media, website, or individual must indicate "source: China Packaging Network" when reprinting. Violators of this site will be held accountable according to law. 2. The manuscript reproduced and noted by other sources is intended to convey more information for readers and does not imply endorsement of its views or the authenticity of its contents. When other media, websites, or individuals re-publish from this site, they must retain the source of the manuscript noted in this site, and must not arbitrarily tamper with the origin of the manuscript and take legal responsibility. 3. If the reprinted version of this website involves copyright issues, please contact China Packaging Network immediately or by email. Contact information
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Introduction of UV Curing Ink General Knowledge (I)
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