Indoor door installation steps

First check whether the parts of the door are complete, whether the dimensions of the parts are correct, and whether the positions of the sets of doors to the corresponding installation are consistent with the size of the door opening.

1 fixed door frame

First, the side door frame of the door hinge is used as the reference side, and the upper rib of the reference side is used as the reference point. Fix the ribs of the reference point to the wall with large cement nails or explosion screws, and ensure that the two sides of the rim are fixed after the entire door frame is vertical.

2 secure the entire door frame

On one side of the door lock, the locking bolt of the door leaf is aligned with the locking hole of the door frame, the position is adjusted, and then three rows of reinforcing ribs are successively fixed to the wall while ensuring the vertical. The installation of the stainless steel security door can combine the "one" and "three" steps into one step and directly fix it with the explosion screw.

3 debugging

Try to open and close the door to see if it is smooth, whether the position of the door lock is accurate, easy to open and easy to close. If there is a problem, you can still make small adjustments and always adjust the position to the desired level.

4 grouting cement

Ensure that the position of the whole door is accurate. After the switch is smooth, the small holes can be opened by the impact drill in the upper and middle sections of the two side door frames. The holes in the holes are filled into the left, right and upper door frames. The door frame is closely connected to the wall and makes the door frame itself hard. (The installation of stainless steel gates can be omitted as the case may be) 5

After installing the entire door, the cement is leveled around the wall of the door frame, and then the surface can be matched with the paint, paint, strong paper, or tile.

Document.body.oncopy = function () { setTimeout( function () { var text = clipboardData.getData("text"); if (text) { text = text + " This article comes from China Wooden Door Network, China's well-known wooden door industry portal Website! (http://) Detailed reference: "+location.href; clipboardData.setData("text", text); } }, 100) }

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