Paper thickness list

Category Paper Name Sheet thickness (mm) Super calender letterpress paper 52g/m2 No. 1 letterpress paper 0.065 60g/m2 No. 1 letterpress paper 0.075 52g/m2 No. 1 letterpress paper 0.080 60g/m2 No. 1 letter paper 0.092 52g/m 2 2 No.10 relief paper 0.050 50g/m2 No. Offset paper 0.063 60g/m2 No. Offset paper 0.075 70g/m2 No. Offset paper 0.088 80g/m2 No. Offset paper 0.100 90g/m2 No. Offset 0.113 120g/m2 Offset Offset Paper 0.150 150g/m2 Extra No. Offset 0.188 180g/m2 Extra No. Offset 0.225
Category Paper Name Sheet thickness (mm) Supercalender offset paper 50g/m2 No. 1 offset paper 0.063 60g/m2 No. 1 offset paper 0.075 70g/m2 No. 1 offset paper 0.088 80g/m2 No. 1 offset paper 0.100 90g/m2 1 Number Offset 0.113 120g/m2 No. 1 Offset 0.150 150g/m2 No. 1 Offset 0.188 180g/m2 No. 1 Offset 0.225 50g/m2 No. 2 Offset 0.063 60g/m2 No. 2 Offset 0.075 70g/m2 No. 2 Offset Paper 0.088 80g/m2 No. 2 offset paper 0.100 90g/m2 No. 2 offset 0.113 120g/m2 No. 2 offset 0.150 150g/m2 No. 2 offset 0.188 180g/m 2 No. 2 offset 0.225
Category Paper Name Sheet thickness (mm) Ordinary calender offset paper 50g/m2 Extra No. offset paper 0.071 60g/m2 Extra No. offset paper 0.086
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