Understand the principle of weight loss mistaken into the misunderstanding of diet pills

In order to quickly lose weight, choose a lot of MM to take diet pills, but they do not understand diet pills, do not understand the weight loss principle of diet pills, do not know what are the misunderstandings of taking diet pills. The following small series just take a look at diet pills misunderstanding, MM had better pay attention slightly!
Taking weight loss drugs into the 6 major misunderstandings 1, diet pills are effective to say, really have to admire human imagination, diet pills actually contain live mites eggs! Eat this medicine, mites eggs into the digestive tract, Hatching out aphids, constantly extracting nutrients from food, inhibiting or even destroying appetite - losing weight, it is fruitful. However, it takes a lot of courage to become a symbiosis with the insects.
Then there is the diet medicine that says "metabolism". In fact, there is only one way to improve metabolism most safely and effectively: physical exercise.
2, weight loss is the weight loss of Tibetan fat is the "standard" for most dieters to measure the success of weight loss. In fact, fat accumulation is the real reason. The weight scale obscures the fact that everything is happening in the column. Diet pills containing "diuretics" will account for 60% to 70% of the body's water, and will be transferred from the body, quickly reducing weight, and diet pills containing diarrhea such as rhubarb and senna are also the principle. However, these two types of drugs can only be seen as soon as possible. Once stopped, drinking water and eating, the weight rebound is like a broken bamboo.
3, the natural is safe drugs, health care products, once you play the "natural" this trump card, there will always be no victory. Natural = safe? Actually not. Regardless of the raw materials used and the processing technology, once the drug has the function of interfering with metabolism, affecting absorption and digestion, the effect is the same as the chemical.
Chinese herbal medicine ephedra is "natural", and there have been many weight loss health foods used as additives. What really works is the ephedrine and pseudoephedrine contained in ephedra, which stimulates the nervous system and thyroxine to achieve appetite suppression, and also has quite serious side effects: hand and foot paralysis, high blood pressure, nervousness , palpitation, etc.
4, for weight loss quick-acting frequency change products According to a survey, more than 50% of people who lose weight can quickly lose weight, they will frequently change weight-loss drugs, some people feel that it is useless for a few days, they use another A product takes less than two months.
Experts point out: Some obese people are often encountered in clinical practice to quickly lose more than 10 kilograms in one month. In fact, in general, after 3 months of treatment can reduce weight by about 5% is ideal. Because weight loss is the result of a comprehensive effect, it is a long-term process, weight loss products should be carried out at the same time as reasonable diet, increased exercise, etc., can not be fast. In addition, medical research has shown that rapid weight loss in a short period of time is not conducive to health.

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