With the changes in the domestic economic environment, the adjustment of the industrial structure and the decline in the profits of plastic packaging companies, plastic packaging plants urgently need to step into the transformation path. How the future plastics industry will develop and what trends it presents will also become a concern for many people in the industry. Tongcheng Plastic Packaging, as a representative plastic production base in the domestic region, may be able to predict the development prospects of the domestic plastic packaging industry from its future development trend. The integration of plastic packaging companies is inevitable According to the latest survey, the cost of Chinese companies has been rising, and sales profits have fallen to the lowest level in history. As part of the domestic industry, the plastic packaging industry is also facing such a situation, labor costs are rising, and the rental expenses for stores or factories are not only rising, but the profits of plastic packaging are falling sharply. The most fundamental reason for this continuous reduction in profits is excess production capacity. Some companies, due to lack of core competitiveness, maintain a basic survival in the market by striking a price war. Many small and medium-sized plastic packaging companies in Tongcheng have closed out of the market in this predicament of rising costs and falling profits. With the upgrading of plastic packaging companies, it can be predicted that more small and medium-sized plastics companies will face the road to integration. Improve equipment becomes a trend In the face of the continuous rise in labor costs in recent years, it is imperative to increase production efficiency and reduce labor costs. The most important thing is to improve corporate equipment. Updating in a timely manner and replacing the labor force with appropriate investment is the future direction. At present, China is in an economic downturn, and the market price of equipment is relatively low. Using equipment to replace labor is an increase in fixed asset allocation in the short term. However, because the equipment has continuous performance, the efficiency will be higher. The market has different needs in different periods, changes in packaging materials, printing processes, improved equipment can better meet the market Traditional digital packaging printing has become a new direction The global trend report shows that the market's demand for digital packaging printing is constantly increasing. At present, 85% of the world's commercial printing companies can provide digital printing services, of which 31% of commercial printing companies said that more than 25% of operating income comes from digital printing. In contrast, at present, China's digital printing accounted for only 1%, but with the increase in the pursuit of a sense of individuality and the increase in environmental protection requirements, the production costs of traditional Indian enterprises have increased, and digital printing has been increasingly improved in technology. In the next period of time, digital printing will enter more and more customized plastics fields. Printing companies will adopt more traditional printing methods and digital printing methods to meet the changing needs of the market. Pay attention to customizing personalized experience With the development of the Internet and the increasing demand for personalization, the large quantity of plastic packaging is decreasing. In order to demonstrate individuality, many customers are more willing to customize their own products, and in digital printing products, plastic packaging can vary from person to person, making unique and personalized articles. Nowadays, many Tongcheng plastic packaging companies have also launched personalized customization services for businesses and consumers. Enterprises should provide experiential services based on the nature and actual needs of customers. Dip Paint Hanger,Non Slip Dip Paint Shirt Hanger,High Quality Dip Paint Shirt Hanger,Lightweight Dip Paint Shirt Hanger SHAOXING DINGLI METAL CLOTHESHORSE CO., LTD , https://www.dingliclothrack.com
The "Four Trends" of the Development of Tongcheng Plastic Packaging Enterprises in the Future
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