Application of Shanghai Benangke MA-30 Elf Generation in Coatings Industry

Volatile organic compounds (VOC) are present in the raw materials and excipients used for interior decoration materials, and the state has established a volatile organic compound (VOC) limit value for materials for interior decoration and decoration. Determination principle of volatile organic compounds (VOC): Determine the total volatile matter content in the sample minus the moisture content in the sample. The difference is the volatile organic compound (VOC) contained in the sample to be tested. The specific formula is as follows:

VOC = (V – VH2O) x ? x 103

In the formula:

VOC - the content of volatile organic compounds in the paint, in grams per liter (g / L);

V——mass fraction of total volatiles in the paint

VH2O - the mass fraction of water in the paint;

- The density of the coating at (23?2)?C in grams per milliliter (g/ml).

According to the provisions of GB 18582-2001 "Limits of harmful substances in interior wall decoration materials for interior decoration materials", the Karl Fischer method is used to determine the moisture content. The specific requirements are as follows: The moisture content in the paint is determined according to GB 18582- 2001 "Limited Hazardous Substances in Interior Finishing Materials" Appendix A.3.2 Karl Fischer.

The MA-30 Elf Smart Karl Fischer Moisture Analyzer is a fully automatic moisture analyzer designed for moisture determination. The instrument has the characteristics of good airtightness, low drift value and low detection limit, wide measuring range, high degree of automation, advanced fuzzy logic technology and full compliance with GLP specifications. The moisture content from tens of ppm to 100% can be quickly and accurately. The determination of the ground, fully meet the determination of moisture content in the paint, is an essential analytical instrument for the quality control department, product quality inspection department and disease prevention department of the product manufacturer.


The following table shows the test results of a batch of samples using the MA-30 Elf Generation Smart Karl Fischer Moisture Analyzer according to the requirements of the Karl Fischer test method of Appendix A.3.2 of GB 18582-2001. The summary table, the measurement results fully comply with the provisions of GB 18582-2001 Appendix A.3.2 Karl Fischer test method requires that the relative deviation of moisture determination should be less than 3.5%.

Schedule: Summary of moisture content determination results in a batch of coating samples

Sample number test result maximum relative deviation %

1 2 3 average

1 50.54 50.77 51.09 50.80 0.57

2 50.86 50.05 50.60 50.50 0.71

3 48.55 49.58 49.64 49.26 1.4

4 47.23 48.98 48.66 48.29 2.2

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